Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wellness Wednesday: Compassionate Care

Recently, we've been posting a lot to the Facebook page about our Compassionate Care dogs and we've gotten a lot of questions about them.  Right now, there are compassionate care dogs out at the SCBR ranch for some very different reasons.  Some are too aggressive to be trusted in a new adoptive home, some have ongoing health issues, some are extremely anxiety-prone and can be destructive (to themselves and their surroundings).  All are being given the best life possible on a ranch designed especially for dogs in need and are very much loved by those of us here at SCBR.  Today, we're going to introduce two of our favorites: Buster Boy and Layla.

Like any true gentleman, Buster insists we introduce Layla first.  Miss Layla stays at the boxer ranch now due to her extreme separation anxiety.  Layla's anxiety is not something she's been able to work through, even with training and vet help, and does very well on the ranch.  Recently, she had surgery to remove a tumor directly behind her eye and she's comfortably recovering at the ranch.

Buster Boy will spend the rest of his days on the ranch because he has Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (the doggy equivalent of dementia or Alzheimer's).  Dogs suffering from CDS exhibit many symptoms similar to those in humans suffering from dementia including disorientation, forgetting learned behaviors, and not recognizing familiar people or objects.  It is extremely important to provide dogs like Buster with a secure environment since symptoms usually get worse as time goes on, since they may not recognize their name or other verbal commands.  For now, Buster enjoys life on the boxer ranch and we are glad to give him a quality life there.

As anyone can see, the SCBR boxer ranch is a special place dedicated to dogs with no other options.  When we rescue a dog, we promise to care for it and provide a loving home throughout the rest of it's life.  On the ranch, compassionate care dogs get plenty of playtime, love and attention but best of all, someone's always there with them.  Some would call these dogs spoiled but we wouldn't have it any other way.

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